Explore the start-up ecosystem in North Germany: We bring together founders, investors and other start-up enthusiasts

Start-up ecosystems are complex. Find the right investors in your industry at the right stage. Identify available co-working spaces and consulting services in your region. Network with other partners at start-up events in Northern Germany.

The ecosystem in numbers

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Private Financing
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Co-Working Spaces
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Current Events
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Seed Stage Graphic
Seed Stage
You are working on the development of a product, a service, or a prototype. You are validating the marketability of your idea and are translating it into both a business plan and a pitch presentation to approach potential investors.
Seed Stage Graphic
Early Stage Graphic
Early Stage
You have already progressed strongly in the research and development process for your market-ready product. First production, sales, and employee structures are set up and initial marketing activities are being launched. You are working on a proof of concept to convince investors of the potential for commercial success of your business idea.
Early Stage Graphic
Growth Stage Graphic
Growth Stage
You are working on "scaling" the business model to achieve rapid market penetration. You are expanding your team in the areas of production, sales, and marketing in order to realize this objective. Your start-up is about to reach the profit zone.
Growth Stage Graphic
Exit Stage Graphic
Exit Stage
Your product is established in the market and basic company structures have been created. You are in need of additional capital to reorganize and restructure your start-up or to develop new products and services. You are planning your exit through sale or an IPO.
Exit Stage Graphic

Being part of a research project, the Management Transfer Lab, lead by Prof. Dr. Michel Clement, makes available this database which provides information on potential investors, consulting services, co-working spaces and events in Northern Germany.